Semantech Communications - Translation, Editing, Technical writing  Specialized Languaged Skills for Specialists
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Semantech Communications
Editing Services: Your Assurance of Quality

As editors, we are the “clean-up crew”, removing any errors that affect the appearance and effectiveness of your documents.

Image is everything. Whenever a company or office produces a document, errors can go undetected. If none of your employees has the time or language expertise to catch these errors before your document is published, you may be sending out material that reflects poorly on your company, i.e., containing punctuation and spelling errors, poor word choices, problems in logic, incorrect prepositions or language that is ambiguous and unclear.

Although some of these errors may seem minor, they affect readability and reduce a document’s effectiveness. This may lead clients to believe there are weaknesses elsewhere, thus jeopardizing your company’s overall image.

This is where Semantech Communications comes in.

Depending on your editing needs, we

  • Correct spelling and grammar mistakes
  • Ensure the level of language is appropriate for your target audience
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the style and tone used
  • Make sure your documents are uniform in content and layout
  • Pinpoint any logic problems and ambiguity
  • Reorganize or add information for increased clarity
  • Remove redundant content
  • Check that page numbering, figures, headings, table of contents and indexes are accurate
  • Ensure your documents flow and are in line with your company image

One of the first glimpses people have of your company is through your documentation. Why not leave them with the most favourable impression possible?

Contact us if you have a document you would like us to assess. We would be pleased to discuss it with you.

Semantech Communications
Our goal is to understand your language needs so that others can understand you

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